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Monday, January 2, 2012

Thai Spice

Hey, Southsiders! Look, I’m doing a southside post!  I know, I don’t do that many, but it is a long drive for me after all.  But vacation meant we had a little extra time so we decided to try Thai Spice finally.  Every time I write about Thai food, several people always mention Thai Spice. But believe me, driving right by Brozinni’s was a test of my will power.
So the restaurant is set in what looks like an old bank, you know those ones that look sort of like schoolhouses or something?  And the interior is pretty cute.  They have spent some money on it and they have lots of cute glass lotus light fixtures. I liked them.  (Check out my shot of the bathroom sink too.)  I was a little annoyed that they sat another couple right next to us when there were many other tables available, but that’s just one of my pet peeves.
We were there at lunch, and they have a more limited menu, and each lunch came with soup, a fried spring roll and what I think was a little slice of fried banana with a honey sauce on top (all lunches are $7.80). I am thinking it was lemongrass soup—and there were bits of onion, cilantro, tomato and mushrooms in it, and a touch of chili oil, but honestly, it didn’t have a lot of flavor.  Sometimes I really like the little freebie Thai soups and sometimes they are just ok, this one was just ok.  The two fried items were pretty good, although not very hot, like maybe they make them up in batches and keep them warm.  But a nice assortment of stuff to try before your meal.
Hubby and I shared a couple of things—his all time favorite, the Padd Seuw which is the wide Thai noodles stir fried with Chinese broccoli, bok choy and protein of your choice.  He actually asked for pork, but got chicken, but it was still really really good. The chicken was tender and the dish had a great garlic flavor—a tiny bit of sweetness, a little acid, and some saltiness from soy as well. The rice noodles were fresh and so good—we both wished for more of them.  I would get this again in a second.
The other dish we tried was the Padd Ped which was a rice dish with stir fried chicken (again, your choice of protein) with eggplant, green beans and basil and bamboo shoots in a red chili paste sauce.  Neither one of us cared for this one.  This was a new (and unfamiliar) dish for me (trying new things you know) and there was coconut milk in it, and I am not a big fan of coconut milk.  If it had been listed, I wouldn’t  have ordered it.  Also, the eggplant was the little round green Thai eggplant and honestly, I am not sure I have ever had them before, but they were kind of hard as a rock.  Not sure if they were just not cooked enough, but I did not care for them. Live and learn. We left most of this dish.
The service was very friendly and fairly fast, and I was impressed when the lady chased us to the door asking us if she could make us something else that we might like better.  She was quite distressed that we didn’t like the Padd Ped.  I thought that was nice.  And honestly, if hubby weren’t in such a rush, I might have just taken her up on it.  Of course, she could have just taken it off the bill, but I wouldn’t expect that just because I ordered something I didn’t really like. 
Anyway, I can see why people like this place, and if it were nearby, I would certainly add it into my rotation.
Thai Spice
2220 East County Line Rd
Indy 46227


  1. Interesting review. We went for dinner a few months ago, just after they moved into their new space (the "bank building"). Agree with that.

    For dinner for three, while tasty, it cost over $50 not including tip. We thought that was pretty steep since we have a favorite in Chicago (Thai Classic Kitchen) where we have eaten for much less and the atmosphere is much better; you can even sit on the floor there. When you're in Chicago next, you need to try this place and get the ice cream, made in house and fantastic!

    Having limited exposure to Thai, we are trying some of the other places around town. We didn't have good service and the food was just too expensive for the atmosphere and taste.



  2. On the subject of Thai restaurants in Chicago: Arun's is fabulous. Not cheap, but well worth the price.

  3. The Pad Thai is delicious at Thai Spice; if you ever go back, give that a try. And the soup is Tom Yum; interesting that you say it had no flavor because I always find it really flavorful in addition to being quite spicy! Oh well.

  4. Mary, yes, I agree their regular dinner menu is somewhat more pricey than other equivalent Thai places. And I was just having this discussion with friends this weekend about why there are so many good restaurants in Chicago that are cheaper than Indy. I am guessing they have higher turnover, but I don't know. Thanks for the recommendation (although no way I could get hubby to sit on the floor with his bad back). :)

    Lou, I haven't been to Arun's. Would really like to.

    Beth, thanks for the recommendation. I would like to go back and get some other things. Just gotta find someone who wants to travel with me... hubby grumbles about it if it is too far away.

  5. I agree with Beth..

    I find the soup (s) to be excellent with lots-o-flavor...

    Take that Erin !

    As for pricing...I eat in Chicago alot..and while I haven't noticed a difference in pricing..I am told...most of the fresh(unique as in not carrots) ingredients used in Asian cooking are cheaper in Chicago than Indy...most of the distributors are in Chicago...and a lot of the product used locally originates in (shipped from) Chicago. I am also told there is a great deal more sold per square foot dollar....and...other than high dollar areas..rents are competitive or cheaper than Indy
