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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12 Chefs of Christmas Ticket Giveaway

Hey you guys, I have a couple of tickets to give away for this event again this year! Last year was a great time and a great way to try a bunch of different beers paired by some of our favorite local chefs.

This year there will be dishes from Brad Gates, Roger Hawkins (Circle City Soups), Mark Cox and Josh Henson (Fermenti Artisan), Cindy Hawkins (Circle City Soups), Paul Dentam (Spice Box), Kathy Jones (Junonia Fish Market), Andrew Whitmoyer (U-Relish), Valerie Vanderpool (Zest!), Pete Schmutte (Cerulean), John-Michael Gioe (Miracle), Jonathan and Ashley Brooks, Milktooth, and Carlos Salazar (Rook).

So if you're interested, leave a comment below telling my why you want to go and I will pick a winner at random. I'll announce the winner around 4:00 tomorrow (if I don't hear from you within 24 hours, I will pick another winner). If you don't win, you can also get tickets here (and they even have a reduced price for designated drivers):



  1. I'm a local beer aficionado and homenrewer, but not much of a cook.

  2. My wife recently had surgery and this would be a great treat as she's getting back in action... thanks for holding the contest!

  3. What a cool event! I'd love the opportunity to sample local beers and tasty treats!

  4. My husband and I have been eliminating our debt over the last 1.5 years. We go out a lot less because of it. This is a great opportunity to try a lot of local food that I've missed out on paired with Flat12 beer.

  5. I want to go because I want to eat and drink all of the things!!

  6. My wife and I would love to go. Foodie + Beer geek = awesome

  7. I could never afford to eat out at all of these great places in any reasonable time frame, so this would be amazing to have the opportunity to do. Plus, awesome beer!

  8. This seems like a great opportunity to sample other local offerings! I have been exposed to the great local breweries, but only two of the mentioned restaurants. This would be fun!

  9. Would love the opportunity to attend this event and check out the pairings. Pick me!

  10. I would love to go and take pictures to showcase Indy's food scene to my family and friends. most of them can't believe that we have the variety and quality that currently exists! Boy are they missing out!

  11. I would love to go. The holidays are a rough time for me and this would bring a bit of cheer!

  12. I would love to take my brother for his birthday.

  13. My wife and I are huge fans of Indy food and beer. We always talk about how good the breweries here in town are.

  14. This is such a great event (and I wanted to go last year, too), but it doesn't fit into the holiday budget. I enjoy supporting these chefs, breweries and the City Market throughout the year!

  15. I love supporting local businesses and it would be a nice break from studying for law school finals!

  16. I need to go. A party ain't a party without the comically rowdy shenanigans of indybrewchef! And everyone gets to watch my lovely wife wrangle me in. It's a win-win for all sides. Plus, I know a little bit about food and beer.

  17. Love! I want to go. I have been dying to try Brad Gates forever!

  18. Would love to get my holly, jolly, Christmas beer drinking on!

  19. My boyfriend and I are big supporters of the Indy food/drink scene and this would make a great event for our 1st anniversary.

  20. love that you do this! Echoing everyone else: beer, (duh) food, and local. Best combo EVER! and I'm poor.

    Thanks Erin!

  21. Love attending local Indy events, and would love to check this one out...I have a friend from out of town and would love to show him what Indy is all about!

  22. This seems like a fun date night idea! Plus good food and beer? I'd love to go!

  23. Awesome! This is the day after my birthday and would be a fun way to celebrate!

  24. It would be a great date night! I really want to go!

  25. I had a baby in November and this sounds like the perfect reason to call a babysitter!

  26. What a great opportunity to drink a toast to innocence, drink a toast to now - another auld lang syne!

  27. I'd love to surprise my husband, an avid craft beer drinker and home brewer, with a fun night out!

  28. HI I would love to win these tickets sounds like a great time :)

  29. I just recently discovered your blog, but I love Indianapolis and I love food and I love that there is someone like you out there scoping things out and giving us all good info. The event sounds like a blast and I would LOVE to attend. Thanks so much!

  30. This sounds so fun! I love it when the pairings are done for you.

  31. This sounds like a fun event. Plus my buddy Andrew Whit. is one of the chefs.

  32. I want to go because I like beer. And love good food. But am usually too poor to afford the best restaurants.

  33. I would LOVE to go because my fiance and I are wedding planning and trying to find the perfect caterer. We love good food and beer, and we love reading your blog! 12 Chefs of Christmas would be a great way to try some new Indy restaurants. Thanks!

  34. My husband and I would love to go. We are foodies and would make a great night out during a very hectic season!!

  35. sounds like a great and super fun event!

  36. Jessica in NoblesvilleDecember 3, 2013 at 10:03 PM

    I wanna win the tix cuz ... well it just looks like an awesome way to spend the night!

  37. We try to support local as much as possible. And the husband has been uber-supportive through a year of tough changes-it'd be a great early Christmas gift for him (fine...for me, too!)

  38. Wife and I are still exploring Indy's food and craft brew scene. What a great event to try so many things under one roof!

  39. Gretchen and I want to go, because DUH! :P

  40. Work 12 hours a day...need a foodie break!

  41. My wife is graduating grad school and we are celebrating our first anniversary. We live Downtown and whole love to be able to enjoy this great venue along with the amazing food. / beer.

  42. We love food. Aaaaaand we may also love beer.

  43. I want to win because free is the only way I could get my frugal hubby to go.

  44. I wanna go! Yay, I love your food blog!

  45. I love food and my husband, so I would probably invite him...thanks for having this great giveaway!

  46. Craftbeer + Craft Food = Awesomeness

  47. Replies
    1. You WON! Please email me your mailing address and I will get them in the mail to you!

  48. new to Indy (1+ year), love the blog, food and craft beer. Would be an awesome gift for my wife!

  49. I'd like to win so that I can try two of every dish that my vegetarian date can't eat while I grumpily tweet about how much I dislike crowds. I'd do it with a smile, though. Maybe I'd even make small talk; it's Christmas, after all.

  50. Because beer! That's why I want to go!

  51. Nothing compares to local talent, both food and beer!

  52. Would be a great thing to do with my foodie hubby!

  53. Want to experience food from local chefs!

  54. I would love to experience the food, beer and atmosphere with my wife to celebrate finding out the gender of our first kid this week!

  55. Ok all, contest is over. The random drawing selected Miss Chelsea as our winner! Please email me your address and I will get the tickets to you!

    thanks everyone for entering!
