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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oh Yumm Bistro - Revisit

I had a bunch of errands to run in the area the other day, so I stopped into Oh Yumm Bistro for a quick lunch.  It used to be a regular place for hubby and me for dinner, but I haven’t been in ages.  I found it interesting that the clientele was entirely female—and they were pretty busy.

Anyway, I first ordered a sandwich, was told they were out of it, and then I tried for the tuna tartare, and was told they were out of that too. My server was really embarrassed about the whole thing and tried to be very accommodating. I ended up ordering the pescado tacos ($8.99), and luckily, these were available.  I also appreciated that my server also brought me a complimentary order of French fries (which are normally $3.95) because he felt bad about not having the things I wanted to order.  I appreciate when a server takes it upon himself to do what they can to rectify a situation, even by just making a small gesture (my pet peeve is when they come and ask YOU what they can do to fix a situation, or when the server just disappears at the first sign of customer dissatisfaction).

Anyway, the fries were good—although I probably would have had them a little crunchier if it had been up to me. According to the menu, they are drizzled in rosemary oil, which may have been why they were a little soft.  But they did have a nice flavor and they are a generous portion.  (Sorry about the lack of many pictures, it was just too dark.)

The tacos were fine.  They were served in slightly toasty flour tortillas with thin strips of basa fish (which is a mild white fish similar to catfish in flavor) that were seasoned with several spices.  They weren’t particularly hot (as in spice level), but had a decent amount of seasoning.  I appreciated that the fish fairly tender. There was also cheese, guacamole, pico de gallo, and some lime sour cream.  Honestly, the fillings were all kind of soft when you smooshed them together—they tasted pretty good, but I could have done with some crunch factor—maybe a little cabbage or something along those lines?  I did take all the extra pico de gallo that they served alongside and dump it all in there for a little extra crunch from the onion and acid from the tomato.  I also asked for a bit of extra sour cream because there was only a little bit on the tacos—it added a good tang, although I didn’t get a lot of lime from it.  Actually, a lime wedge would have been a nice addition too.  They served homemade tortilla chips on the side as well and I didn’t really care for them—they were a little too thick and hard for my taste.  (A little local trivia, according to the menu, Oh Yumm was the first place to serve fish tacos in Indy.)

Overall, it was a fine lunch, although I wish I could have gotten one of my first choices—perhaps it would have been a little more satisfying.  Anyone else been there lately? And, since I have gotten myself on the subject, anyone have any restaurant pet peeves they want to share? Or servers, what are your pet peeves about customers?  I always love a good discussion!

Oh Yumm! Bistro
5615 N. Illinois
Indy, 46208

Oh Yumm! Bistro on Urbanspoon


  1. I think my pet peeve is when the server takes away the dish of one diner, while the other is still eating ... what's the hurry? What's the obsession with a clean table? OK, if it's Penn Station, I don't care - but if I'm paying $20+ for an entree, they can try to make it a relaxing meal without the other diner feeling that they need to rush.

  2. I am a big fan of Oh Yumm, but I've never had lunch there. I think of it as a great evening tapas place, perfect for a big group of people and an even bigger group of pitchers of their fantastic sangria. It's also nice being a few doors down from Kincaid's, which requires a visit on each occasion.

  3. Like it for lunch, but don't feel it sends any "rockets into the air". Concur with Kincaid's comment, they're great.

    Pet peeve used to be "Hello my name is whatever and I'll be your server this evening". So you're supposed to polish my shoes. I'll never forget years ago when the patriarch of a large clan head the fellow out and then stood up and introduced his whole table of 18. Seriously, I think it sounds phony. Tell me your name, fine.

    Second peeve is the hostess that looks at my Joan and myself and says "Two for lunch". No, I thought I was having a pedicure. Snotty, I may be, but if it's 12:30pm what else is there.

    Third peeve is if we order a glass on wine as an apéritif, the wine list takes flight. I am amazed that restaurant owners don't watch this as that vino is their most profitable item.

    Next is when plates are almost empty and the knife and fork at the edge here it comes. "Are you done?" My sarcastic side wants to say "yes" and so was the steak.

    Finally, is when I have a "starter" and use my fork, don't put it on the table cloth. Give me a fresh one for my main course.

    Brew pubs and pick food are another item entirely, but above describes some high end places in Indianapolis. Most of it is lack of training.

  4. I try and support local restaurants, but have a hard time doing so when their service is awful. I am big into customer service.

    I went to Cafe Patachou for the first time and if their food wasn't so great, I wouldn't go back. I have heard from multiple people their service is awful!

    My pet peeves are:
    -If you don't greet me as soon as I sit down, at least to say you will be with us in a second - fail
    -If I have to ask for a refill - fail
    -If I have to ask or my check - fail
    -If you don't ask me if my food is good - fail

  5. Pet Peeves:

    Having them bring the check before I ask for it---I like the European way where diners decide when they are finished....what if I decided I wanted something else?

    Telling me to keep my fork/knife - is there a shortage in the kitchen??

    Taking the other diner's plate - it's awkward eating when others' plates are gone

    Having a 21 year old call me sweetie

    Disappearing Acts

  6. Maitre d' Joe what do you suggest a server say when they approach your table for the first time? My pet peeve as a server is when customers ask for drink and bread refills when they still have 3/4 of drink or bread left. I'm pretty conscientious about both so let me prove myself to you before you ask preemptively!

  7. My peeves are when you have to "save" utensils. Really? You can't bring another fork with my meal?

    And, I dislike waiting for drink refills, especially when eating spicy foods. When a waiter checks in to ask how the food is and I say "Nice and spicy!!!" don't let my drink run dry. Why don't more places that offer zesty foods simply put a carafe of water on the table? Most Indian restaurants get this part right!

  8. Pet Peeves include:
    *Hostess: 'just' two for dinner? Yes, we're 'just' two, spending money at your establishment -- probably buying drink and food as well.

    *The disappearing server. There is a balance between accessible and helpful/ overbearing and annoying/ and missing. It's an art.

  9. We rarely dine out with a child under two. When we do, though, we appreciate a high chair. At one restaurant, I asked for a high chair and was brought one with broken straps. I pointed this out to server who brought another.... with broken straps. Thanks, I feel great about securing my toddler in a broken high chair when I'm eating on your concrete patio.... I "rigged" something with the straps but wasn't impressed with attention to detail.
