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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

4 Years and Counting...

So, 4 years ago today I started this blog. I have to say, friends ask me if I am burnt out on blogging and I can safely say, I am not.  There are those days for sure, but in general, I actually think I like it now more than ever. It has become sort of like a job (a really crappily paid job, but at least I like it). I have met a lot of people I never would have met otherwise, and have made a lot of friends, some just online friends and some who have become very good real life friends.  How cool is that? Certainly a perk I wasn’t expecting (or even thinking of) when I started this whole thing four years ago.
Some of you guys I feel like I know, even though I may only know you through recurring comments, emails or conversations with you on twitter. (I worry when I don’t hear from some of you for too long, is that weird?)  But one thing I would like to say is how much I LOVE it, and you, when you take the time and make the effort to leave me a comment on the blog.  I like having that record here so that everyone who reads it can read your comments too, even if they read the post 6 months later.  
So, for me, I am asking a question of you--have you ever gone to a new restaurant solely based on one of my reviews?  I would love to hear if you have and if so, where (and what did you think?).  I want to hear about how my blog might have helped get people to try new places around town. And of course, feel free to leave any other comment you wish as well, and as always, keep all your recommendations coming! I seriously go to probably 80% of the places I choose based solely on reader recommendations.  And any thoughts about ways to improve, etc. are welcome too.
Thanks for reading!
Happy Eating,


  1. Congrats, Erin! I can't remember any specific new restaurant that we've visited yet due to a review here, BUT we have revisited a few after your reviews, and I have bookmarked a few choices for future trips.

    Even for restaurants we won't visit, though, I really enjoy your reviews for your attention to the qualities of the food. It's a great reminder (and tutorial, too) about being mindful of my meal.

    Thanks for four years of great food writing! Love the blog -- long may it continue!

  2. Your review of Sensu coupled with a groupon offer was all it took for me to recently try Sensu. I even looked at your review again right before we went to remind myself what you ordered. We went early, before a Pacers game (avoiding the nightclub time), and we had a terrific meal. Brozzinis (sp?) is another favorite of ours now. I am beyond grateful for your reviews. You've helped me discover a few new places, and some new things about some of my favorite old places.

  3. I have to say I just like reading your blogs about different places you go. As a chef, I like to hear what other people are doing around town because I don't get the opportunity to go myself. I take alot of pride in what I do and reading your blog helps me see what people are wanting in Indy. Keep up the good work!

  4. Your blog has inspired me to eat more nachos. Also, you got me turned on to the chicken soup at La Hacienda.

    Happy 4th and keep it up. Stay frustrated and don’t let your standards drop.

  5. Happy Blogoversary! 4 years is a crazy long time. I'm not sure if we've ever gone to a restaurant solely based on your recommendation -- but we've certainly avoided some based on your experiences. That is true power!

    Really though, we never eat out anymore, so I just enjoy reading about new places in town. :)

  6. A few recent places I have tried because of your recommendation are Sensu and Mama Irma's. I had wonderful meals at both places. I also appreciate reviews that cause me to steer clear of mediocre or bad restaurants. I enjoy reading your reviews!

  7. Happy "Birthday" Erin, and thanks for the continued great reviews. I know the effort is harder to sustain than it looks! As to your question, we'd been meaning to visit H2O for years and had never done so, but did after your recent revisit. We loved it and have been back to dine twice and for carry out once!

  8. Your best restaurant suggest? For me, it was Iozza's.

  9. Joe in Montgomery OHJanuary 10, 2012 at 9:48 AM

    I join the kudos and, yes, we've tried Euphoria (sadly gone) and R Bistro because of you and your reviews. Since we're in Cincinnati, we don't get to try as many as we'd like. I do have to say, growing up in Meridian-Kessler, that today's dining scene is a far cry from my childhood and thank heavens. I will say, though, that I still have fond childhood memories of Bernice's at 54th and College. Haute Cuisine? No, just good Hoosier home cooking and there's a lot to be said for that.

    Cheers and a toast of bubbly to you!

  10. Congrats on 4 years, Erin!

    Off the top of my head, I went to Pizzology, Mississippi Belle, Brozzini's, Brugge, and Bonge's Tavern after reading your thoughts, plus I'm sure many others that I can't think of currently. Also, like stated above, I've skipped plenty more based on your opinions. You've also led me to a few other food blogs that I look forward to checking weekly, if not daily!

  11. Your growing success over 4 years is a testament to not only the strength and honesty of your reviews, but also to the extent to which you engage with and listen to your followers. I can’t say there is a restaurant that I have been to specifically because you recommended it but there are some that I have specifically avoided because you did not care for them. Keep up the good work and we are listening.

  12. Wow, Erin! 4 years is quite the milestone. I've been blogging for a little over a year and, although mine is amateur at best, I still love doing it. I have to admit, your blog was one of many that gave me the inspiration to get started. Cheers to several many more years of happy blogging.

    P.S. one of these days, we need to organize a local blogger meetup

  13. Wow! Four years! Congratulations. I personally don't know that I've visited any particular place because of your reviews though I've avoided a couple due to some of what you said. Money is tight these days and eating out has to count (including Groupons which I usually wouldn't pass up).

    Also, I don't always agree with you but appreciate that you don't mind if we disagree. I think you look for different things than I do and one also has to take into account different likes.

    I would suggest Barlo's Pizzaria on Southport Road for a good family pizza dinner (Disclaimer: I know the owners who are great people.). We love their pizza. And they have live music most Friday nights.

    Also, if you haven't been, we enjoy Pipers at 37 and Southport. I know you don't like to go "all the way" to the south side but we enjoy both and we live on the north westside. Being from the DC area, we traveled long ways to eat living there so we find it strange people in Indy are averse to that.

    Well, Keep going, Erin, and thanks for doing what you do. Keep being honest in your opinions!


  14. The Purple Pig was definitely one, and I'm sure several other restaurant. I love to compare what you order with what I do. I've been reading your blog for years. I always look forward to new reviews.

  15. Oh, and I'd never recommend Amici's downtown - we had horrible food and service and the place was really dirty. That was just a few weeks ago.


  16. Congratulations! I always read your blog before trying a new place just to see if it's worth the trip/expenditure

  17. It sure feels like a long time ago, as this place has been one of our favorites for a while now... but I believe that your review of Taste Cafe is what pushed us over the edge to give them a try.

    I value many of our local blogs for various reasons, but if pressed... yours would be the one I'd keep or that I'd suggest.

    Congrats and keep it up (please!)


  18. wow, thanks you guys! I appreciate all your kind words (and of course your recommendations as always!) And I am glad to hear I've brought some of you to places you really liked!

    Goal, achieved!


  19. Everytime we try someplace new or even revist some place we like, I find myself thinking...wander what Erin has to say about this one? and I come home and look it up to see if you have reviewed it and what your opinion was. Love reading your reviews! Keep it up and stop in Avec Moi SOON (not to review, but just for a change of pace with dinner at home, that you don't have to make!).

  20. I dine out much, much less frequently than you do.

    But, when you review a place I have have been to, I think your opinion usually matches mine - there for it must be right! :)

    That's why your blog has been so useful to me. When I do go out, I don't have time to mess around with lame places, and it is excellent to have it pre-screened by you!

    Most recently, I discovered LaParada through this blog. Can't wait to go back.

  21. After reading that you often order an eggplant based dish at Thai restaurants I tried the pad makur at Thai Spice and it quickly became my favorite. So you actually turned me on to a new dish.

  22. Erin,
    A small group of girl friends and I have a dinner club where we head to a different independent restaurant each month. We went through the alphabet twice picking a restaurant that began with each letter. It took about 4 years. Now we are just picking places we like to share with the group or just want to try. I have often used suggestions from your blog when it has been my turn to pick. I enjoy reading your posts and use your reviews to help with my menu selections too!

