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Sunday, June 5, 2011

More Closings....

With sadness, I have to let you all know that two places offering great independent food in Indy have both closed this week.  As I tweeted earlier this week, Z's Oyster Bar and Steakhouse abruptly closed this week (well, it seemed abrupt to me anyway) and last night I received an email from Euphoria stating that they have also decided to stop offering nightly dinner service and focus solely on their private party/catering business, which according to the email, has been a growing business for them.  As I have written here, Euphoria has always struggled somewhat with getting customers in the door, even with 2 superb chefs at the helm--first Brad Gates and now Ivy Denman.  I am assuming Ivy is still going to be the chef for the private functions (if that is not the case, I will let you know), so at least you can still plan a private party and enjoy her wonderful cooking.  And as I have mentioned here and reviewed several time, you can enjoy Brad's cooking through his catering service, Brad Gates Catering and Events.  Z's was a great, but badly located, restaurant where I recently had one of the best steaks I can remember.  I was actually thinking about having an anniversary party for my parents there this year, but I guess I will need to think of another option.

<<<Update: I have heard from Chef Denman, and she is leaving Euphoria, so unfortunately you will no longer be able to enjoy her cuisine at Euphoria.  Honestly, I am not sure if they are hiring another chef, but I can't imagine it being successful for long without a chef. I really hope to see Chef Denman somewhere else very soon. I would hate to see her leave Indy.>>>>

So now, as I have to do every so often (usually whenever another one of my favorites shuts its doors), I am giving you the poke in the ribs to get out there and support local restaurants.  Next time you are tempted to go to a chain, for me, think about it and pick a local place instead.  The only way we can expand our dining scene, encourage new independent restaurants, and maintain the ones we have is by supporting them with our business.  If you are looking for ideas, check out the right hand "labels" column here on my blog, and click on "Independent Restaurants."  Or leave a comment, or drop me a line.  I will be happy to recommend somewhere close to you, wherever you are in the Indy area.

And hey, keep in mind that Chow Down Midtown starts this week, where you can get a multi-course dinner (or two) for $30 at some great independent restaurants in the Broad Ripple Area--what perfect timing to try someplace new! (Tomorrow's post will offer a review of one of the places featured on Chow Down Midtown, and I have reviewed many of the others--again, check the labels column to easily find them).
And feel free to leave a comment and a shout out to your local favorites. Anything we can do to support them!

Now, go eat!



  1. I totally agree with you that it is so important to support our local restaurants. I was so sad when I heard Zing had closed :( I am hoping to get to 3 of the participating Chow Down Midtown restaurants this upcoming week/weekend.

  2. It is really sad- when I go to photograph food in Cincinnati I'm amazed by the number of small- locally owned restaurants. They are not all fancy, but delicious...why are so many of our local restaurants closing? try something new people!

  3. WOW. It's not really that surprising that Euphoria had to shut down dinner service, but the news still comes as a shock.

    I feel incredibly lucky to have gotten into Euphoria one last time two Friday's ago for our anniversary. The food was phenomenal and the service so-so, as usual.

    Going to all-private events makes sense based on what we saw: we were surprised to be seated in the bar area for dinner service, but by the time we left there was a private event in the room by the stairs and a large rehearsal dinner occupied most of the main dining room.

    I wish them the best of luck with the new business model but I'm sad I won't be able to pop in for dinner anymore.

  4. Joe in Montgomery OHJune 6, 2011 at 1:02 PM

    Concur with Stacy about Cincinnati. We are getting better and better down here. A Tavola opened on Vine Street in Over the Rhine last week with Senate opening another venture next door. Boca Restaurant Group is taking over the old Maisonette space with plans for fine dining. Also "Enoteca", with Italian cuisine, is opening in August in O'Bryonville as well. I'm praying for real, modern Italian which seems impossible except for Via Vite here on Fountain Square.

    I'm sad about both places closing. We had a great lunch at Z's and a dinner at Euphoria. We're not in Indy often enough and now the dining scene is missing two outstanding players. Still Recess, R Bistro and more are going strong. Join me in supporting them

    I share Erin's wish that Ivy stays in Indy as she is one outstanding and innovative chef. Still, we'd love to have her here in Cincinnati and we're also thankful that Rue Dumaine in Centerville, OH is 35 minutes away! Enjoy and let's go "chainless" for the rest of this month at least. This Indy born "foodie" knows his home town can and must do better.

  5. Euphoria already seemed to heavily emphasize private events. I had a certificate to use there, and tried on three separate occasions to have dinner there. Each time, they were closed for dinner due to a private party. Certainly they need to do what makes money for them, but you can't expect clientele to show up for dinner and be turned away that often. I love and will continue to support Creations Cafe.

  6. I have never once been surprised or truly dissapointed when an independent restaurant has closed in Indianapolis. So, I do not think the closings of Euphoria and Z's should cast any indictment on Indianapolis diners not supporting independents. Indy diners support restaurants that offer top flight food, service, and atmosphere. I think Z's was top notch but location was the problem. Was Z's steak and seafood really that different from what we already have in the market? Euphoria's food was excellent but the service was inconsistent and the front of house was often disorganized. Location was also not great, the canal is just not there yet as a draw. Perhaps these closings will inspire those considering opening new restaurants in Indy to step up their game!

  7. Sad to hear - I definitely wanted to try Z's but seemed to 'forget' about it often due to the location.

    Interested to see what you think about Chow Down - I'm looking forward to it this week!

  8. Rats! I just said something to my husband yesterday about needing to get down to Euphoria again. Let that be a lesson unto me.
