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Saturday, January 10, 2015

7 years and counting.....

Hey you guys! Today is my 7-year blog-a-versay! SEVEN years. That’s a long time people. It’s been a good run, and for now, I plan on continuing. I thank all of you that read my posts and comment there or on Facebook or twitter. I am also grateful for all of the really cool people I have met and often shared meals with, which I otherwise wouldn’t have, because of it. Several of you have even become good friends. There’s always a few people that I guess just can’t stand me too, but the positive feedback I get far outweighs them. And that’s what matters right? (Insert Taylor Swift song here.)

I have also eaten a lot of really great food, and a slightly lesser amount of really terrible food, but it’s all been in the name of research, so it’s totally worth it. I love sharing what I find with you, and I love that you guys still want to read about it.

Please let me know what amazing places I have been missing—or what places you disagree with me on. Or whatever you want to let me know. I have watched the evolution of my blog and blogs in general, and I want to stay current and interesting enough that you want to keep reading it.

Cheers to another year!



  1. I posted this one the other day.

    You are missing out on Leonardo's Mexican Food on Michigan just south of 86th Street. Awesome burritos but have not tried anything else.

    And 3 in 1 Restaurant on West 56th has by far the best tamales I have even eaten. Way better than The Tamale Place. They also sell their tamales at the winter farmers market downtown.

    And I mostly agree with your reviews. I have become a regular at Caplinger's Fresh Catch. Also frequent His Place Eatery, Sandra Noodle Ichaban Noodles, and B's Po Boy on your recommendation.

    Have tried others but those are the ones that stick out in my mind today.

    1. thanks! I have officially put Leonardo's on the list and have a friend who wants to go with me. ANd yes, I totally need to try 3 in 1.

      So glad I have introduced you to new places! thanks for reading!

  2. Jessica in NoblesvilleJanuary 11, 2015 at 2:23 PM

    Thanks for the best food blog in Indy, I look up your recommendations when I'm in a new part of town. My only suggestion is another visit to Bonge's Tavern and try the Harger Duck, which in my opinion is their best regular menu option (along with the weekend applewood smoked prime rib). And if you ever get a dinner together at H20, please invite me!

    1. Awww thanks Jessica, that is so nice. I appreciate you being a longtime reader! :) I need to go back to Bonges, the last time I was there was a little disappointing and I haven't been back since.

      And yes, we are definitely going to plan a H2O dinner, I will let you know!

  3. Happy blog anniversary. I rarely comment, but read EVERY one of your posts. If we are trying something different, I will often check your old posts to see if that restaurant is worthy :) We've tried many new restaurants on your suggestions.

  4. Congrats on the anniversary, Erin!! I so enjoy reading your reviews and interacting on Twitter and Facebook. Happy New Year!

  5. I've been following your blog since it's started. Really like your recommendations, but disagree with how you felt about La Margarita which is now located in Fountain Square. My parents are regulars there. You need to request for Cruise to make your margarita, and get the top shelf, not the house one. We call them "Cruise-a-ritas". My husband swears by the nopalitos there, and I've enjoyed everything I've had there. Maybe you can give it another shot? :)

    1. Toni--

      thanks for your comment and for reading for so long! I have been meaning to go back to La Margarita for awhile, several people have mentioned things to me that they really like. I will make it a goal to get it done this year! :)
