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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bu Da Lounge - Revisit

When it gets cold like this, I start craving things like soup. So the other day I met my friend @wibia at Bu Da Lounge for lunch. This is my first visit since the move (well, the first visit where I ate something). Guess what? They now offer a non-smoking area at lunchtime! Ok, if a bunch of people are in there smoking cigars, you’re probably going to still smell it no matter where everyone is sitting, but lucky for us, no one was smoking. 

I really wanted the wonton soup, which I had had before, because it was so good. Luckily, our server recommended splitting the bowl and then sharing something else. He split it into two little bowls and it was just the right amount for me. You got a nice amount of the rich, hearty and hot broth with several wontons stuffed with shrimp, a fair amount of noodles, and some bok choy and a couple pieces of barbecued pork. They give you a little bowl of chili sauce to mix in as well so you can heat it up a bit if you like (I put just a little in). Actually, splitting a bowl was perfect for me—I never finish the whole thing otherwise. I did a good job on this smaller version. This soup is good—and is a perfect choice for a cold day.

We also shared a roll—they have a fair amount of choices of rolls that are under $8 at lunch. I think they sort of just take the same basic insides (cucumber and avocado) and top it with different things. We had the soft shell crab.  I appreciated the crunch on top, even if it wasn’t the best soft shell crab I have had. It was kind of in little chunks set on top. I liked the sauces drizzled on—unagi sauce and a flavored aioli. Not so much to be obnoxious, but enough you could taste it. There was also a bit of roe on top, which added to the crunch. The only thing was when you picked up the roll, the crab kind of toppled off. But it all tasted pretty good.

My preference is the soup, but I like the idea of splitting it and trying some of the other lunch items. I really like the idea of going for dinner, but not with all the smoke. It’s a good place to remember at lunchtime if you work in the center of downtown and want to get something different from a local restaurant for a reasonable price.

Buda Lounge 
148 East Market Street
Indy 46204

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