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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Eggshell Bistro

If you read my blog regularly, you know I have a thing for eggs. Put a runny egg on top of just about anything, and it gets better.  So of course I was instantly intrigued when I heard about Eggshell Bistro, where just about every item on the menu features eggs.  When I couldn’t get one of my male friends to meet me there because it was, ahem, “too girly,” I convinced my parents to join me. 
The interior is quite cute, and I have to say, possibly a little girly (think “shabby chic”).  Lots of antiques and cute little wrought iron tables (my one gripe being that in our particular case, the chairs seemed too short for the table and you felt like you needed a cushion to sit on).  The tables for two can also be quite small, but as it turns out, the dishes are on the petite side as well, so it probably all works out.
I ordered the truffled egg brioche  which was a fairly thick slice of brioche bread (a slightly more eggy, buttery bread) with a slice of Fontina cheese melted across the top, a very soft poached egg, sprinkles of asparagus and a bit of truffle salt I believe (could have been truffle oil).  It was a nice light lunch, not for someone looking for a large meal, but the type of midday meal that I quite enjoy.  The egg was certainly not overcooked, which I appreciated, although it actually may have been just a little undercooked even for me—the white was still just a wee bit too runny (not that I didn’t eat every bite, being a woman who will eat a raw egg without blinking an eye).  But still, when you want a poached egg, you have a certain expectation.  The flavor of the dish was very good though, all the flavors complimenting each other.  The asparagus gave it a little crunch and earthy flavor.
I also had a side of Smoking Goose applewood smoked bacon with my dish though, and I have to say, it really made my meal.  Alone the egg dish was nice, but with the bacon, I was very happy.  That bacon is superb, and they cooked it perfectly.  My Mom said something like, “how do they make this bacon taste like bacon used to taste?”  It was so good.  You must get some of this (or one of the other Smoking Goose meats—I have heard the lamb bacon is amazing too, although I have yet to have it) alongside whatever you order.  Just make sure you get enough, my parents kept trying to eat mine.
The menu is somewhat small—a few egg dishes, salads and sandwiches, but I have no problem with that.  They are focusing on what they want to do and doing it pretty well.  I also like that they are utilizing very fresh, and often local, ingredients.  My only other complaint is that it took quite awhile to get our food after we had ordered.  I would be a little worried if the place was really full that there might be quite a long delay. 
So is it a manly place?  Um, probably not.  Were there men in there? Yep, at just about every table.  If you want a giant, greasy, hangover-curing breakfast, this isn’t your place.  If you want a lighter, thoughtful breakfast or lunch with some wonderful ingredients, give it a try. And tell me what you think.
Eggshell Bistro
51 West Carmel City Drive
Carmel, IN  46032

Eggshell Bistro on Urbanspoon


  1. I hate it when restaurants don't post a menu on the website. It sounds like an interesting place.

  2. I wonder why their urban spoon score is so bad. Maybe people finding something different than they expected?

  3. Andrea, you can see the menu on their facebook page..

    Brent, not sure. This is definitely not your standard Denny's breakfast place so maybe. The service is also a little slow. (or was when I was there).

  4. I dined there over Super Bowl weekend (post to be up on Monday!) and I thought it was adorable. Shabby chic is definitely a great way to describe it. My food was scrumptious, but yes, service was a little slow on our end too. I brought my parents there, and my dad was definitely not used to something like this. But he liked the flavors, just left a bit hungrier than if we had dined somewhere else.

  5. Jessica in NoblesvilleFebruary 19, 2012 at 9:31 PM

    I had to scroll down quite a bit on their facebook page to find their menu, and it's a photo in one of their wall posts. There's something a little annoying about that. Their web site is sooo trendy ... I can read a quote by Virginia Woolf, I can learn about a chair from France, but I can't find their menu? Makes me worried that it's more shabby chic than substance.

  6. City Nom Noms, look forward to your post.

    Jessica, I agree. It is tough to see their menu, even on facebook, which is annoying for a restaurant...I have seriously considered doing a special part of the review just of the website (or lack thereof)

  7. Great food! Had and recommend the sweet potato hash and also the pork belly sandwich. Perfect portion size in my opinion for the setting. Coffee is made by the cup, it appears expensive, but best real coffee I have had in indiana. Give it a try!
