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Friday, September 23, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Places: Kincaid's Meat Market

Another place that I really love in this town is Kincaid’s Meat Market.  This place has been around forever, and is my favorite place to go for serious red meat.  It is an old fashioned butcher shop and they have pretty much everything from deli meats to beef and chicken, as well as lots of exotic things that they usually have on hand in the freezer.  So if you are looking for ostrich, wild game, duck, foie gras or whatever, you can get them all here.  But probably my favorite thing to get there is beef.  (And I generally skip the seafood.)
They have all grades—choice and prime (as well as one lower than choice I believe) and their ribeyes are awesome.  My 6 year old loves going in there and picking out steaks for his favorite meal (ribeyes).  I also like that they still focus on customer service and will cut and prepare whatever you want to order.  I usually go in once or twice a month, pick out a ton of stuff and take it home and pop it in the freezer.  I always have them cut fresh beef tenderloin filets (one cannot live on ribeye alone) for me in exactly the size (and meat grade) that I want for the exact portion for our family.

My daughter’s all time favorite meal is turkey saltimbocca which involves thin sliced turkey cutlets (and prosciutto and sage).  First, I have found it nearly impossible to find turkey cutlets anywhere in Indy, and they just pull a fresh breast out of the case and cut me perfect cutlets.  Depending on who is doing the cutting, sometimes I don’t even have to pound them they are already so thin.  So this is also an item that I stock up on at Kincaid’s.  Of course, for the quality and service received, it is more expensive than your local grocery, but trust me when I say you can taste the difference.
They also carry a lot of local and regional products like Joseph Decuis soups, Graeter’s ice cream, Cook’s Ranch bison, and various dairy products from Trader’s Point Creamery.  And my favorite thing is in the spring when they have lots and lots of morels. I took a picture of their stash last year. Check them out! And hey, just a couple doors down is the Flying Cupcake. Not a bad little combination shopping trip.

the back door

L.E. Kincaid & Sons Meat Market
5605 North Illinois Street
Indy, 46208


  1. They even have frozen handmade ravioli. It's not cheap, but it's great for a quick and easy meal.

  2. Kincaid's is one of the places I miss most about Indy. I lived in the duplex just to the east of Kincaid's on 56th street in the late '90s and became good friends with the owners Dave and Vickie. Two of the nicest people I have ever met.

  3. I'm the third generation of my family to shop at Kincaid's. We wouldn't miss stopping on every trip we make to Indianapolis from suburban Cincinnati and always have a cooler. I used to walk, with my uncle, from my grandmother's house at 5693 N. Illinois St., past the Riviera Club. Also, watched him play poker at the firehouse, but that's another story (I played with the dog!).

    Erin's spot on here. Not only is their veal scallopine the best available in this modern era, but they pound it beautifully. All other meat and poultry is top notch as well.

    It's not often I can say an area hasn't changed much from my childhood, but 56th & Illinois remains a gem even though the stores, with the exception of Kincaid's, have changed.

    For value received, I can't think of a better place to buy meat even in Cincinnati. They are "butchers" not "meat cutters". Long may they prosper.

    While I've not been able to get the morels, I'll end with a sign I saw in Boston some years ago at a great market. It read "Don't you wish you had 'loose morels', we do"!

  4. Three cheers for Kincaid's... highly worthy of support and I'm thinking that it is time to return and order up a couple of cuts for an ultimate batch of chili.
