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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just Judy's

One of the last breakfast places near our house that we have been wanting to try is Just Judy’s.  It is in an old Waffle House on 54th Street.  It’s a pretty big place, and actually serves other meals besides breakfast and even has a bar.  The breakfast menu is fairly standard, and hubby went with your traditional choice—a 2 egg breakfast with bacon, hash browns and ½ order of biscuits and gravy.  I went with the breakfast sandwich on a croissant.
Unfortunately, it will also likely be the last time we ever eat there.  Some of the things were fine—the eggs were generally cooked well, and….well, honestly, that’s really about it.  The bacon was so hard you couldn’t bite a piece off of it. After trying to take a bite of my sandwich, and not being able to do it, I pulled it all off and set it aside. I still had my two eggs with melted cheese on my croissant, so it wasn’t too bad.  Hubby unfortunately also ordered the bacon and felt the same way. A lot of bacon went uneaten and that’s just a shame.  But it was that bad.  The croissant itself was okay, it held everything together, but it wasn’t very flaky.
I also wasn’t overly impressed with the hash browns—they did offer home fries and hash browns, which I always appreciate, but these hash browns were a pile of fairly mushy potatoes. There was no real crispiness to them. 
Hubby’s least favorite thing was the gravy.  He said it had none of the pepper flavor that he likes and it was strangely sweet and almost had the color of maple syrup.
The service was fine, and the prices reasonable, but honestly, with as many other breakfast places there are in the area, I am surprised there were as many people as there were in there. 
Just Judy’s
2210 East 54th Street
Indy 46220

Just Judy's on Urbanspoon


  1. I also have never been back after my first visit. I ordered a sausage sandwich for lunch and sent it back because it had the most rancid odor. Paid for my bevearage and got out of there with my health in tact. I can never understand why anyone would go there on a regular basis when the Pawn Shop has some the best lunch food next door.

  2. They had a killer giant breaded tenderloin and really good fried chicken.

  3. Joe (Over Easy with Hash) in Montgomery OHJune 16, 2011 at 3:56 PM

    I used to think it was almost impossible to have a bad breakfast or a bad Italian dinner! In Italy maybe, in Indy very possibly. I'll take Trader's Point Creamery's bruch, thank you very much!

  4. Judy used to "cater" lunch and dinner into a fraternity house at Butler. I had several friends in that house at the time, and they used to make fun of/gag at most of her cooking. I agree... not sure how the place stays in business!

  5. We have been going there for years and I will tell you why:

    While the food isn't that great, it's super cheap. We have a family of 5 (almost 6) and we can get out of there with full tummies for under $20.

    Also, it's super kids friendly. Kids are very welcome, and the servers know my kids by name. There is value to that, if you have a kids.

    Yes. There are better places to go. Yes, some of the fancy digs like Traders Point have much better food.

    Oh, and if you do venture back, consider getting a pancake. They are $2, bigger than your head, and seriously are really good. That's why we typically order.

  6. So glad to read this post and not waste our time going there. We are always coming home after trying something new and frowning and saying something like..." we can cook better than that at home!" Makes you wonder how some places stay in business. There are very few places that we really enjoy going to and when we find those 'good food' places we keep going back.

  7. Been a regular at all 3 places, all three moves, will never be back food cooked wrong, had to ask for all of our order, then when added to order waitress threw a sissy told to leave people waiting to sit down
